Introducing Instagram Notes: A new way to share short updates with your followers that disappear after 24 hours, just like Instagram Stories. With this feature, you can quickly post fleeting thoughts and updates, keeping your content fresh and spontaneous. In this guide, we’ll walk you through how to use Instagram Notes, from ensuring your app is updated to sharing your first note with your followers. Whether you’re a seasoned Instagram user or new to the platform, Instagram Notes offers a fun and easy way to connect with your audience.

Step 1: Make Sure Your App is Updated

Check if you have the latest version of Instagram. You can do this by going to the App Store for iPhone, Google Play Store for Android, searching for “Instagram,” and updating it if needed.

Step 2: How to get notes on instagram after update

Sometimes, Notes are hidden because of your settings. Here’s how to turn them on:

  • Visit your Instagram profile.
  • Tap the three horizontal lines located at the top right corner.
  • Select “Settings,” then “Privacy.”
  • Scroll down to “Activity Status” and turn on “Show Activity Status.”
  • Check if Notes appear in your messages.
notes on Instagram
Instagram NOTES

Step 3: (Optional) Switch to a Professional Account

Switching to a professional account might unlock Notes. Here’s how

  • Follow steps 1 & 2 from before.
  • Go to “Account” and then “Account Type and Tools.”
  • Tap “Switch to professional account” and follow the instructions.
  • Step 4: Write and Share Your Note:

You’re good to go if you see “Notes” at the top of your messages. Here’s how to share:

  • Tap your profile picture in the message inbox.
  • Click “Share a thought” and type your note (up to 60 characters).
  • Choose who can see it (close friends or followers you follow back).
  • Tap “Share” to post your note.

You can edit or delete your note by tapping it and choosing your desired option. Notes vanish after 24 hours, so they’re always fresh and spontaneous. You can share quick thoughts and updates with your followers using Instagram Notes.

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